Bachata Ladies Styling

Bachata Ladies Styling Instructor -Ilona

Meet Ilona Doskoch, a dance maestro who has carved a niche for herself in the world of Bachata. With her roots in Hong Kong, Ilona has gained international acclaim as a Bachata teacher, specializing in Ladies Styling. Her passion for dance is evident in every move she makes, every step she takes.

Ilona’s journey in dance is a testament to her dedication and love for Bachata. She has honed her skills in various dance styles, but it’s her expertise in Bachata Ladies Styling that sets her apart. This unique style allows her to express her creativity and femininity, making her dance routines a captivating sight to behold.

As a choreographer and performer, Ilona’s work is a blend of grace, precision, and emotion. Her performances are not just about the dance, but about telling a story, connecting with the audience, and leaving a lasting impression.

Ilona’s commitment to her craft extends beyond the dance floor. As a teacher, she is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and passion for Bachata with her students. Whether through group lessons or private sessions, Ilona ensures that each student gets the attention they need to grow as a dancer.

For those who wish to embark on their own dance journey or are looking to refine their skills, Ilona is just a direct message away on Instagram. Connect with her and step into the enchanting world of Bachata Ladies Styling.

Bachata Ladies Styling Class Timetable